What is a Small Group?
Small Groups (or Faith Groups) at Messiah are more than just a Bible study. We intentionally live life together building meaningful relationships in order to help each other grow in Christ, worship together, serve others, and care for others in authentic relational community. We want that for you!
Step into a Faith Group experience to find a place to belong. Search the list below or contact Heather Felt for more information on how to get connected to a group that is right for you. Then, download our Messiah Church app to stay connected to your group on the go!
Step into a Faith Group experience to find a place to belong. Search the list below or contact Heather Felt for more information on how to get connected to a group that is right for you. Then, download our Messiah Church app to stay connected to your group on the go!
Faith Groups at Messiah
For more information, or to join a faith group, contact the group leader or Heather Felt, Director of Community Engagement.
Ladies Lunch Out meets on the first Monday of each month (except if the Monday falls on a holiday, they meet on the first Tuesday) from 11:30 am-1 pm at Robert’s Craft Kitchen in the Medina Entertainment Center (500 Hwy 55, Medina). All are welcome for a meal, fellowship, and friendship. Contact Dana in advance for reservations.
Women’s Night Out meets on the last Monday of each month (except if the Monday fall on a holiday, they meet on the last Tuesday) from 5:30-7:30 pm. All are welcome for a meal, fellowship, and friendship. Contact Heather in advance for location and reservations.
Young & Young-ish Adults, a group of adults in their 20s & 30s, meet on the second Monday of each month from 6-8 pm at Bear Cave Brewing (1201 Mainstreet, Hopkins). This is a fun and casual group, with space for you! Contact Pastor Bethany or join the "Young Adults" group in the Messiah Church app.
Women’s Night Out meets on the last Monday of each month (except if the Monday fall on a holiday, they meet on the last Tuesday) from 5:30-7:30 pm. All are welcome for a meal, fellowship, and friendship. Contact Heather in advance for location and reservations.
Young & Young-ish Adults, a group of adults in their 20s & 30s, meet on the second Monday of each month from 6-8 pm at Bear Cave Brewing (1201 Mainstreet, Hopkins). This is a fun and casual group, with space for you! Contact Pastor Bethany or join the "Young Adults" group in the Messiah Church app.
Tuesday Afternoon Bible Study meets weekly from 1-2:30 pm in the Bloom Conference Room. Reading and discussing various Christian books and faith studies. Contact Leland.
Tuesday Evening Women’s Faith Group meets weekly from 6:30-8 pm in the Fireside Room for Christian studies and to do service projects as a group. Contact Linda.
Tuesday Evening Women’s Faith Group meets weekly from 6:30-8 pm in the Fireside Room for Christian studies and to do service projects as a group. Contact Linda.
During the school year, Children and Youth programming is also available on Wednesday Nights from 6:30-8 pm. Nursery Care is available upon request - contact Kari Stern, Director of Children and Family Ministry, at kstern@messiahchurch.org or (763) 473-6968 ext. 115.
Men’s Breakfast Group meets the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month (except the fourth Wednesdays in November and December) at 8 am at Perkins Restaurant (2945 Empire Lane N, Plymouth). All are welcome; no RSVP required. Contact Tom.
Faith and Fitness is an exercise class and devotional tailored to seniors. Meets weekly from 10-11:30 am in Heritage Hall. Contact Judy.
Wednesday Morning Bible Study meets weekly from 10-11:30 am in the Fireside Room. Contact Rollie or Barb.
Friends of Sarah Faith Group meets the second Wednesday of each month from 10:30 am-12 pm in the Sanctuary Prayer Room with emphasis on socializing, spiritual growth, and service. The group goes out to lunch following most meetings. Contact Sue.
What’s On Tap Wednesdays meets the first and third Wednesdays of each month from 5-7 pm for fun and fellowship at Luce Line Brewing (12901 16th Ave N, Plymouth). Men of all ages (over 21, of course) are invited to attend. No need to RSVP. Contact Chuck. Cheers!
NEW! "Do Unto Others" Online Faith Group meets weekly (October 9-30) from 6:30-7:30 pm via Zoom for a study that follows our October sermon series. Contact Pastor Tami for the Zoom link and class study guide.
NEW! Potluck Faith Group meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month from 6:30-7:30 pm in the Church Office for casual conversation, devotions, and sharing. Open to anyone looking to get connected. Contact Heather.
Wednesday Adult Faith Group meets weekly from 6:30-7:30 pm in the Bloom Conference Room for Bible study. Contact David.
Wednesday Evening Couples Group meets the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month from 6:30-8 pm in Room 123 for conversation, connection, and spiritual growth. Contact Joy Ann or John.
Children’s Parent Faith Group meets weekly from 6:30-8 pm in Room 128 for connection, encouragement, and support while raising young children. Contact Lee.
Youth Parent Faith Group meets weekly from 6:30-8 pm in the Fireside Room for community and faith studies that support and encourage parents of teens and young adults. Contact Kari or Barb.
Spirited Sisters Faith Group meets weekly from 6:30-8 pm on a hybrid basis (in Heritage Hall or online) for Christian fellowship, study, and connection. Contact Alice or Melissa.
Men’s Breakfast Group meets the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month (except the fourth Wednesdays in November and December) at 8 am at Perkins Restaurant (2945 Empire Lane N, Plymouth). All are welcome; no RSVP required. Contact Tom.
Faith and Fitness is an exercise class and devotional tailored to seniors. Meets weekly from 10-11:30 am in Heritage Hall. Contact Judy.
Wednesday Morning Bible Study meets weekly from 10-11:30 am in the Fireside Room. Contact Rollie or Barb.
Friends of Sarah Faith Group meets the second Wednesday of each month from 10:30 am-12 pm in the Sanctuary Prayer Room with emphasis on socializing, spiritual growth, and service. The group goes out to lunch following most meetings. Contact Sue.
What’s On Tap Wednesdays meets the first and third Wednesdays of each month from 5-7 pm for fun and fellowship at Luce Line Brewing (12901 16th Ave N, Plymouth). Men of all ages (over 21, of course) are invited to attend. No need to RSVP. Contact Chuck. Cheers!
NEW! "Do Unto Others" Online Faith Group meets weekly (October 9-30) from 6:30-7:30 pm via Zoom for a study that follows our October sermon series. Contact Pastor Tami for the Zoom link and class study guide.
NEW! Potluck Faith Group meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month from 6:30-7:30 pm in the Church Office for casual conversation, devotions, and sharing. Open to anyone looking to get connected. Contact Heather.
Wednesday Adult Faith Group meets weekly from 6:30-7:30 pm in the Bloom Conference Room for Bible study. Contact David.
Wednesday Evening Couples Group meets the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month from 6:30-8 pm in Room 123 for conversation, connection, and spiritual growth. Contact Joy Ann or John.
Children’s Parent Faith Group meets weekly from 6:30-8 pm in Room 128 for connection, encouragement, and support while raising young children. Contact Lee.
Youth Parent Faith Group meets weekly from 6:30-8 pm in the Fireside Room for community and faith studies that support and encourage parents of teens and young adults. Contact Kari or Barb.
Spirited Sisters Faith Group meets weekly from 6:30-8 pm on a hybrid basis (in Heritage Hall or online) for Christian fellowship, study, and connection. Contact Alice or Melissa.
Keep Calm & Carry Yarn meets weekly from 9-11:30 am in room 128 (lower level, next to the art room) for crafting, friendship, and conversation. Come anytime; stay as long as you like. Contact Rachel.
Community Groups at Messiah
Several outside organizations meet at Messiah Church, and we're glad to support our community in this way. For more information about these groups, contact them directly by visiting their websites:
Scouts BSA
Messiah has a long standing relationship with scouts. Currently, two Scouts BSA Troops and one Cub Scout Pack meet at Messiah. Troop 3570 is for youth ages 11-17. It was chartered in 1969 and has seen 87 Eagle Scouts! Troop 5570 is a linked girl troop for youth 11-17. Cub Scout Pack 388 is for boys and girls grades K-5 and has about 40 scouts in six dens. To learn more about these scouts, visit their websites.
Are you worried about someone with a drinking problem? Have you been hurt by someone with a drinking problem? Al‑Anon can help you learn how to cope with the challenges of someone else’s drinking. Al-Anon meets at Messiah (on the lower level) Thursdays from 7-8 pm. To learn more about Al-Anon, visit www.al-anon.org.
BNI (Business Network International)
BNI meets at Messiah in Heritage Hall Wednesdays from 7:30-9 am. To learn more about BNI, visit bnimn.com/mn-minnesota-full-circle.
West Suburban Grief Coalition
Coping with the death of a loved one is one of life’s most stressful and difficult experiences. Weekly meetings of this support group gather at various churches on a rotating basis – September 5 through November 21, the Grief Coalition meetings are at Trinity Lutheran Church (2060 County Rd 6, Long Lake) from 4:30-6 pm to discuss various aspects of grief. To learn more about the Grief Coalition, visit www.westsuburbangriefmn.org.